What is motivation and its types?

Hello everyone welcome! In today’s blog, we are going to talk about Motivation, its types, and its importance. Motivation is very important for every human being in every way. Because whenever you do any action or intend to do any action then it is very important for you to have inspiration for it or you have confidence for it. So in today’s topic, we will fully understand what is IT? how many types of motivation, and what steps we can take for self-inspiration, so let’s start our blog.

Motivation and its types

Motivation is a determined intention to do something that will lead you to your success and your destination. There are two types of motivation, one is extrinsic and one is intrinsic


Extrinsic motivation depends on external factors. There are external factors that can lead you to your success and can be a hurdle for your way to success. There are people who have the characteristics of extrinsic inspiration. They don’t care about the negativity and negative thinking around them. Rewards are also external, as I just discussed with you, external factors are involved in extrinsic, similarly, in the action factor, the happy effects or opportunities are also external, such as You are a footballer and you have won your match and you have been rewarded in return, let’s say a trophy or in the case of cash, this is extrinsic and an external factor that causes your happiness.

Intrinsic Motivation

Now we will talk about intrinsic motivation. It is very easy to understand the inspiration. We will also understand it with an example and I hope you will understand the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Any success you achieve is linked to your inner happiness and your inner self-confidence. For example, if your mind forces you to help someone it is intrinsic inspiration. Because it is internal that your mind is communicating with you to perform some task.


Hope you have understood the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation now. Remember that intrinsic and extrinsic inspiration is simply the force that compels you to do something as in extrinsic inspiration. We have seen that whenever we embark on a journey in which we get external rewards or in which external factors can influence us, it is called extrinsic, and intrinsic is what induces or forces one to do good or bad actions.


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